Nativity epistle by Moisey, Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Rus'-Ukraine, Primate of the UAOC-canonical.
to Most Reverend archpastors, God-loving pastors, venerable monastics and all the faithful of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church.
Dear brothers and sisters! Christ is born! Glorify Him!
God, Creator of the Universe and people, having created the earth, gave to people commandments in accordance with which one should live to be in happiness and harmony with God and with each other.
Living in harmony and not in chaos, a man can perfect himself and develop boundless talents of his soul. But fallen from God Angel Satan easily took people off the road of life and led them by the road of death, sufferings and destroyment. People scorned God's commandments of life, considering them to be inefficient, without practical application to life, so life on the earth grows worse year by year and moves to devastation.
But Lord loves people so much, that He gave His Only begotten Son Jesus Christ, so that whoever believes in Him and in His truthful teaching, shouldn't perish, but come on the road of life and salvation.
Ukraine and the whole world continue to ignore the Constitution of life and justice today, given to us by Creator of the Universe. So everything continues to go to self-destruction. Chaos leads only to destruction. And no political or economical programme can help it. The earth today is like a filled with diseases black eyesore on the eye of the Universe. Such black eyesore is either to be cured or to be removed by the will of God's justice. There's no middle variant.
That's why every conscious Christian, and especially priests and members of higher clergy, who are called to be servants of truth and love on the earth, should apply a lot of conscious efforts in order to make spiritually healthy themselves as well as everyone whom God entrusts into their hands.
My dears, first and foremost the Church should become healthy as a soul of the State, and then State, as a body, will be cured from all diseases, - first of all from corruption.
Our task is to build truthful Church of Christ for Ukraine, free from any corruption and filth, simony and sodomy.
On the example of the orange revolution our Lord showed us striving of the Ukrainian people to purity in life and thoughts, so God's servants shouldn't loose this chance for Ukraine. And we should start struggling for purity in Orthodox Church and for its simple and easy understanding by every soul together with efficiency in salvation of people's souls.
Christ brought us an absolute truthful teaching, which makes a man happy and perfects his soul in harmony with God.
Our task is to hold sacredly to the teaching of Christ with all our life and reach it to people's hearts, so that they will understand how to build a happy life with God – our Lord Jesus Christ in Ukraine.
Let this year's Nativity of Christ – birth of Christ won't be in vain in Ukraine and in the whole world. And let it bring us sincere striving for blessed struggle for development of Ukraine in Truth and God's Love.
It's a sin to stay aside, when we see as God's truth (and Church of the Christ) is being persecuted on the earth, where Jesus has just been born as a baby.
God blessed Ukraine to have with the beginning of year 2005 a good president Victor Yushchenko, who strives for justice, so Ukraine has a chance today to start development of free from corruption Church of Christ and State in Ukraine.
For this sake people of good will should unite in one Holy Soborna Ukrainian Church. Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth between all people of good will, who lives in Ukraine and all over the world.
Christ is born! Glorify Him!
The Nativity of the Christ, January of 2005, Kyiv
Metropolitan of Kyiv
and all Rus'-Ukraine