In February 9-10, 1942 Metropolitan Dionisiy Valedynsky blessed the meeting of Ukrainian Episcopate in Pinsk (Byelorussia) for the first Synod of Ukrainian canonical Bishops of the Ukrainian Autocephallous Orthodox Church (UAOC) which restored canonical connections and unity with All-Holy Patriarch of Constantinople..
During this historical period there were consecrated as Bishops : Archimandrite Nykanor Abramovych (on the 9th of February) and archimandrite Ihor Huba (10th of February), as Archbishops –Polikarp Sikorsky and Olexander Inozemtsiv.Metropolitan Dionisiy Valedynsky appointed to serve Archbishop Polikarp with full administrative responsibility in Kyiv. .
On 9-13th May, 1942 with blessing of Metropolitan Dionisiy in the Andriy Pervosvany Cathedral under leadership of Archbishops Nykanor Abramovych and Ihor Huba the consecration of new bishops of UAOC continued.
Bishop Fotiy Tymoshchuk as Chernihivsk head of (9th of May)
Bishop Manuil Tarkovsky as Bilotserkovsk head (10th May)
Bishop Mykhail Khoroshyi as Yelyzavethradsky head (12th of May)
Bishop Mstyslav Skrypnyk as Pereyaslavsk head (14th May)
Bishop Sylvestr Hayevsky as Lyblin head (16th of May)
Bishop Hryhoriy Ohiychul as Zhytomyr head (17th of May)
Mytropolyt Dionisiy Valedynsky, Archbishop Olexander and Polikarp approved the decision of this Synod.à.
In 1943 there were consecrated the following bishops:
Bishop Viacheslav Lysytsky as head of Dubna (13th of September),
Bishop Serhiy Okhotenko as head of Melitopol (1st of August).
In 1944 there were consecrated the following bishops:
Bishop Hennadiy Shyprykevych as head of Dnipropetrovsk (24th of May),
Bishop Volodymyr Malets as head of Cherkassy (23rd of May),
Bishop Platon Artemyuk as head of Rivno (2nd of August).
Synod of bishops of UAOC in Pinsk (1942). At this (first) Synod of UAOC there sit from left to right: archbishop Olexander Inozemtsiv and archbishop Polikarp Sikorsky, further Metropolitan of UAOC. There stand from left to right: archbishop Nikanor Abramovych (head Chyhyrynsky and archbishop Kyivsky), head Yuri from Beresya Lytovsky and archbishop Ihor Huba (archbishop Umansky).
1944 . Many bishops of UAOC saving from persecutions moved to West Germany, some finally moved to the USA where they headed different jurisdictions of UAOC. Archbishop Hryhoriy Ohiychuk headed UAOC on the principles of unity. The UAOC in Ukraine was abolished by the Soviet regime with the help of Moscow Patriarchy. The latter from Hierarchy and the clergy of UAOC who didn’t want to join Stalin bolshevik – NKVD Russian Church were killed or sent to concentration camps. Later on such fortune was spread on the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church in West Ukraine and Transcarpathia.
In November 2002 the canonical hierarchy of UAOC of the second rebirth with God’ blessing began its process of returning to Ukraine in accordance with the canon 18, VI of All-Holy Synod. The first who came to Ukraine was canonically consecrated according to the apostle successive lineage of Metropolitan Dionisiy Valedynsky Metropolitan Moses Kulik who in 2002 was appointed by the Synod of bishops of canonical UAOC –soborna as Metropolitan Kyivsky of the whole Rus – Ukraine. Vladyka Moses already in the beggining of the nineties one of the first began the third rebirth of UAOC in Ukraine. And as Metropolitan administrator in Khmelnytska, Vinnytska and Zhytomyrska oblasts established about twenty religious communities of UAOC. (Many of the first priests of UAOC of 1990 remember him as Protodeacon when Patriarchy Mstyslav was enthroned. With his blessing Father Oleh Kulik was consecrated as priest in 1990). |

Synod of episcopate of UAOC of the second formation, gathered in Warsaw in March of 1944. In the middle Metropolit. Dionisiy Valedynsky and Metropolit. Polikarp Sikorsky, Head of UAOC from 1942.

The second Synod of episcopate of UAOC in emigration in Eslingen, Germany, 1946. Thre sit from left to right: archbishop Hennadiy Shyprykevych, archbishop |
Ihor Huba, Metropol. Polikarp Sykorsky, head of UAOC in emigration, archbishop Mykhail Khoroshyy, Bishop Sylvestr Hayevsky. There stand from left to right: Bishop Hryhoriy Ohiychuk, Volodymyr Malets, Bishop Mstyslav Skrypnyk and Bishop Platon Artemyuk..
For honest serving on the rebirth of UAOC on Podillia he was persecuted by KGB bodies. (14 tries to kill him and his relatives. There are documentary proofs from militia). At the invitation of Patriarch Mstyslav -I. Father Oleg left šthe USA where he continued his serving in UOC-USA till members of higher order of UOC in the USA betrayed Patriarch Mstyslav , the Ukrainian people and went under omophore of Constantinople Patriarch Barfolomey-1. After this vladyka Moses (at that time Father Oleg) left betrayers with stolen from Ukraine Church and established the orthodox community from newly-arrived emigrants from Ukraine in the USA, but love to suffering people of Ukraine and the wish to serve his people , teaching the people to live happily in harmony with God returned him to serve in his Motherland as Metropolitan of canonical UAOC-sobornopravna and successor of Thomos 1924 to develop legal, canonical autocephallous Church and promote it to be all-world acknowledged by Orthodox Churches. ( In the present situation with the Ukrainian church it is necessary to understand that acknowledgement of Filaret empire of UOC-KP and his anathematized consecrations since 1997 will not happen during next 1000 years. All-Holy Patriarch and all world orthodoxy acknowledge anathema-damnation of mother Russian Orthodox Church against the citizen šM. Denysenko, the former Metropolitan Filaret as canonically- argued and have not satisfied the appeal (of Filaret) so far. The mission of returning the canonical UAOC is to begin the process of unification of all Churches into one Soborna Ukrainian Church on the canonical basis. To restore the true spirituality of Christ’s Church avoiding the moscow- filaret ferment and consecrate the canonical synod of bishops who will have the canonical relation to Thomos 1924 as successors of this Thomos having for this a historically-documentary succession that in the future when the Ukrainian Church will rise to restore canonical relations with canonical Orthodoc Churches of the world. God’s blessing for Ukraine is in the fact that not all canonical Arcbishops of Diaspora went to slave jurisdiction of Constantinople Patriarch but there remained the patriots of autonomy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, in order to serve spiritual- canonical interests of the Ukrainian Church in creating of one Ukrainian Soborna Church. For the sake of this the saint archbishops, clergy and believers of the Ukrainian Autocephallous Orthodox Church fought and bled. |

(third from the left ) Vladyka Hryhoriy Ohiychuk at the Synod of members of higher orders of UAOC –1947. Metropitans Olexander Inozemtsiv and Polikarp Sikorsky; (the fourth from the right) Bishop Mstyslav Skrypnyk (later on Patriarch of Ukraine) Synod in Germany in 1947.

There sit: archbishop Canadian Mykhail Khoroshyy , archbishop Umansky Ihor Huba , Metrop. Polikarp Sikorsky, archbishop Olexander Inozemtsiv, archbish. Nikanor Abramovych, bishop Mstyslav Skrypnyk, bishop Sylvestr Haivsky, There stand from left to right: bishop Platon Artemyuk, prof. Vlasovsky, archbishop Hennadiy Shyprykevych, bishop Volodymyr Malets, D. Burko and clergy.