
Patriarch of Kyiv and All Rus-Ukraine Vladyka Moses (Koulik) was born on the 3rd of May, 1962 in Medzhybizh, Khmelnytskyi region.
On this day indeed the man of God in all things came into this world - the future Patriarch Moses. Even his name carries the coded profound spiritual meaning: Oleg means "saint", Ivanovych means "God's" and Koulik means "a man who loves his land". So God denoted his further course of life and the holy mission of ministration on the Earth.
The constant search of his predestination in this world has marked his course of life. God has really afforded him the opportunity of cognizing this life in all its difficulties and trials to fill him with the necessary knowledge and experience and at last lead to high ministration to God and people.
God has generously endowed Oleg Koulik (future Vladyka Moses) with talents, gifts and moral virtues that help him in his everyday life and in the fulfillment of missionary work for salvation of many indigent souls.
At first his faculty for music had revealed, hence after finishing school in 1978 he entered
Khmelnytskyi Musical School, which he finished with honours in 1982 having got the diploma of the teacher of music as a flutist and conductor of brass band and symphonic orchestras. He was skilfully and diligently performing a part of flute in symphonic orchestras and brass bands for four years.
He has the firsthand knowledge of service in the armed forces. From 1982 till 1984 Oleg Koulik was doing his military service in the orchestra of Khmelnytskyi Higher Commanding Artillery College.
The search of new knowledge led Oleg Koulik to Khmelnytskyi Technological Institute of public services, the Engineering-Economical Faculty, from which he graduated in 1988 having a degree in accounting and analysis of economic activity.
At the same time with studying at the institute which he had entered in 1984, Oleg Koulik was holding the position of the art director and stage manager of 12 creative bands at the same institute. The director's outstanding talent and the all-out inspired work let the amateurs acquired the high level of mastery and became winners of regional, republican and All- Soviet Union contests. As the best bands of Ukraine they were invited to go on tour through Bulgaria, Malta, Italy, Turkey, Greece and Russia.
From 1988 Oleg Koulik worked at children's music school N1 teaching the flute, where his high professional and pedagogic abilities were brilliantly revealed. At that time this music school was the leading among the schools of the Khmelnytskyi region. Just then the need for the revival of national traditions and the turn to our sources has arisen. Here Oleg Ivanovych also showed the creative activity, setting up the children's folk chorus that participated in the city and interregional concerts and festivals with great success. His students gained the high results in flute playing at a short period of time and astonished many teachers.
By the Will of the Highest, by the Divine Providence, Oleg Ivanovych Koulik has always been searching for true spiritual knowledge to make people happy and enlighten their souls against the ignorance as he dreams about all the people living happily as the one holy family. Thus, since 1988 he had been both working in the children's music school and successfully studying at Khmelnytskyi Orthodox Diocese, where he took the examinations for a clergyman.
The clerical ministration of Father Oleg Koulik started in 1989. He conducted the Episcopal professional chorus of the Nativity of Theotokos Cathedral in Khmelnytskyi and also missioned through the concert programme of orthodox singing in Khmelnytskyi and Vinnytsa regions that was a success among the faithful and clergy of that regions.
In 1989 he was ordained into Deacon at the Nativity of the Theotokos Cathedral in Khmelnytskyi.
In order to the Word of God became more comprehensible for the Ukrainian faithful, Father Oleg Koulik yearned to minister in the Ukrainian language but it was forbidden in the Russian Orthodox Church and bishop Nifont (Solodukha) being under the domination of Filaret (Denysenko) was totally against it. Thus in 1990 Father Oleg, being in the dignity of a deacon asked for giving the leave documents and passed into the fold of Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church that had only started to revive then and needed its hermits-missionaries. And as early as 1990, the Primate of UAOC Metropolitan Ioann (Bondarchuk) assigned Father Oleg Koulik to metropolitan administrator to Khmelnytskyi, Vinnytsa and Zhytomyr regions. And being all alone but God willing, father Oleg started the reactivation of the church of Christ regardless of the opposition of the clergy of Russian Orthodox Church, Committee for State Security (KDB) and the authority of communist ideology, that hindered from the reconstruction of UAOC temples at the local level everyway. The faithful of UAOC were persecuted, the heads of village councils threatened to take away their land or not to give a tractor to plough a kitchen garden and so on. As a matter of cause, they did their best to lie away the reputation of Father Oleg but the majority of people, who were inspired by his sincere sermons and self-giving life, replied and stood against the enemies of UAOC hardily.
Since May1990 till October1992 Father Oleg traveled over 195 villages and cities of Khmelnytskyi, Vinnytsa and Zhytomyr regions with the mission to revive Ukrainian Church, organized and obtained the registration of UAOC communities in that towns. The part of them was afterwards re-agitated and re-registered by Moscow celebrants and communist authorities into ROC (Russian Orthodox Church) communities. In 2003 there were only 36 UAOC communities left that were able to withstand in the hard struggle.
In April 1990 in Khmelnytskyi, Father Oleg having congregated the first community of UAOC started his Divine Services in the open air near the St. Andrew the First Called Cathedral, which was situated at the territory of a military base in Dubovo region. The temple was to conquer for over seven months, day by day, from the communist authorities, Soviet Army and the clergy of Russian Orthodox Church. The bishop of ROC Nifont (Solodukha) by the edict of Philaret Denysenko went on hunger-strike in protest at the clerical work of Father Oleg and was sitting at the square opposite the Lenin monument for 3 days round the clock surrounded by his clerics slandering the "anticephalist" and "banderovets" Father Oleg Koulik. In that way he gathered 17 thousands signatures of the passer-bys and gapers, but by this he finally annihilated his authority to the power that was, who in their turn were imbued with respect Father Oleg. Nifont sent 3 telegrams with the announcement of a hunger-strike: to the first secretary of Communist Party Horbachev, to the Constantinopolitan patriarch and the patriarch of Moscow. Yet one telegram he sent to the Primate of UAOC Metropolitan Ioann, it contains such a text: "Vladyka Ioann, take away Deacon Oleg out of the Khmelnytskyi region, otherwise I don't vouch for my life". And Metropolitan Ioann answered him: "Dear Vladyka Nifont, your life is valuable for us, but our own-is much more". By this telegram Vladyka Ioann inspired the clergy of Galych and Lviv to struggle for native UAOC, telling them: "Here are many of you, but he is alone there, you have moved to UAOC involuntarily in order not to become the Catholics, and he has moved to UAOC willingly, putting at risk his life and the life of his family, against the KDB (Committee for State Security) and the fanatics of ROC".
On the instant, in 1990 Father Oleg opened the Priest school where he prepared 19 priests for ordination, but some of them were lured into ROC.
During 1990-1992 he opened and restored the old churches, founded new communities of UAOC, where people rejoiced at their native church. But Moscow celebrants planted by bishop Nifont(Solodukha) and executing the edicts of Philaret(Denysenko) the Metropolitan of ROC and pointings of comrade Yacenko, authorized agent of KDB concerning religion in Khmelnytskyi region did their best in hindering the development of UAOC in Podolia.
Such selfless activity couldn't please the forces that wanted to leave Ukrainian people in darkness and ignorance, thus the opposition of the hostile forces rose. And in September, at the end of 1992, the physical murderous assault was made on Father Oleg when he was returning home from the railway station in the evening, but God saved him. Thereat the bandit pierced the shoulder and the elbow joints of the left arm with cold steel. Then, in two days, at 5a.m the unknown criminals set fire to the flat, where Father Oleg lived, but the neighbors had time to put it out, as yet the fire didn't burst inside. Later the parents' house in the village Lysanivtsi, Khmelnytskyi region was burnt. For 6 times the criminals made shots at the windows of Father Oleg and his parents and the flats that were near - bullets crashed the window frames and stuck in the walls. Later, the murderous assault was made on the mother. The bandits broke the cranial bone of temporal part, when she was returning home late in the evening. After the major operations, in a year after recovering the assault occurred again but at that time God saved her too, notwithstanding the deep wounds, by the dealing of which the bandits mutilated the breast of defenseless woman. There were 12 such attempts on the life of Father Oleg and his family documented by the police agency. But police didn't search anybody and only advised Father Oleg to leave Ukraine.
The departure of Father Oleg was forced, but such was the Divine Providence to save him physically, strengthen spiritually and prepare for the fulfilment of high mission. God willed that the future Patriarch of the Church of God got the world experience, firmed in his strength and matured into a spiritual leader for ministration to native Ukraine, the world and God.
In October 1992, archpriest Oleg Koulik left Motherland and departed temporarily to the USA, where he continued selflessly his ministration to God in the Ukrainian parishes of UAOC in the USA under the omophorion of Patriarch Mstyslav.
Patriarch Mstyslav greeted Father Oleg saying: "Son, God Himself has sent you to me. With your knowledge and experience I will appoint you to the Head of Consistory, if not - then to the controller of a seminary", - but Father Oleg refused, being pretty tired of the administrative work in Ukraine and needed at least a short break. In three days, Patriarch summoned Father Oleg again and said: "Have notice of that I take care of you and send you to a nice kindred community in New Haven, Connecticut, but in a half-year I am waiting for you coming back to Bandbrook, as with such talents, knowledge and enthusiasm, as you have, I need you here." And such insistence of Patriarch Mstyslav was understandable, as at that time he was betrayed not only in Ukraine by false patriots - the deputies and President L.M. Kravchuk but even by his own bishops - Antoniy Masendych, Volodymyr Romanyuk and others, who for a considerable bribe and without permission of the Patriarch and the whole church, admitted in the fold of UAOC, disgowned and defrocked at that time comrade Denysenko M.A.(Philaret) - agent of KDB, having an alias Antonov. And at the same time in the USA, the Head of the Consistory Father Vasyl Diakiv, bishop Antoniy and archbishop Constantin also excited a riot and started to see out the Patriarch to Ukraine, where everything was lost, for them to manage on their own hand, as they did in 1995, after his death.
The faithful of the communities of UAOC in the USA, attended the services of Father Oleg with pleasure that caused their growing in number and spiritually growing as well. The schools of religion and spiritual prayer both for children and adults were opened. Praying, children contemplated in their hearts the Light of God and His Angels, who loves them, and so children were being filled with the Love of God and knowledge. They were cured of different phobias, ceased to be capricious and studied well at school. All people expressed thanks, except of those who didn't understand the Work of God for people. Father Oleg also took an active part in different concerts and performances dedicated to the days of Taras Shevchenko and Lesya Ukrainka and gladdened the faithful time and again, playing flute. All the souls of God were happy. Father Oleg served devotedly to UAO Church while it preserved its autocephaly and faithfulness to Ukraine. But when after the death of Patriarch Mstyslav, metropolitan Constantin and archbishop Antoniy (Shcherba) withdrew from the autocephaly of Church and separating illegally from the Ukrainian Church in Ukraine went under the alien omophorion of Constantinopolitan Patriarch Bartholomew, so in such a Church that became alien to Ukraine, even if it was under the omophorion of the Ecumenical Patriarch, Father Oleg didn't want to serve further, because the sense was lost. The Ukrainian Church in the USA betrayed Ukraine. For this reason, in 1997 he asked Metropolitan Constantin to give him the leave documents and came out from the omophorion of this Church.
In the same 1997, archpriest Oleg Koulik founded a new community for the newcomer emigrants from the countries of former USSR in the City of Detroit, state Michigan, USA. There were the Lithuanians, the Armenians, the Americans, the Russians, the Moldavians, the Ukrainians, the Jews, the Georgians, the Abkhazians and the representatives of other nationalities, who were praying in the Ukrainian Church with a great pleasure and perceived prayer in Ukrainian, English, Russian and Church Slavonic during the Divine Liturgy. And to the intonement of the priest: "Let's embrace each other to accept The Holy Trinity with one mind", all people, like brothers and sisters in Christ, were embracing and greeting each other: "Christ is between us! - Is and will be!" Like this Father Oleg was teaching the mutual respect and the love of God in practice, not in words. The multinational community was friendly and happy as one Christ family. All people were helping in the Church and to each other. The heaven-born priest, as a good Samaritan always helped people in the critical reality situations: with the searching of dwelling, with getting a job, with the legalization of emigrational status, he shared all he had - either car, money or food...
At the same time Father Oleg was studied to be a chaplain and was working with the seriously ill patients in the hospital, was looking after paralyzed people, was rebuilding a house of prayer to an orthodox church, carrying out almost all the building works with his own hands. Having devoted himself entirely to the affairs of God, he conducted the lessons of religion and held the services, sparing for every soul his time and the warmth of a heart and always being in a spiritual spirits. The community of Father Oleg was rising in Christian love for him and each other, having over 100 people of newly converted from atheism.
So, by the will of God, under the unsleeping eye of God, under the firm protection of God, the future spiritual leader of the Ukrainian people and all the people of God from all over the world, was forming and rising in a spirit.
All the church works were, at last, completed and the community became consolidated - just live and enjoy the fruits of your labour. But visits to Ukraine for studying at Ecclesiastical Academy (from which he graduated in 2002) and meetings with spiritually wishful people in Ukraine aroused the need for return to Motherland, where the millions of good people in search of verity and spiritual care were suffering in the chaos of lack of understanding and inability to build the happy life in their family, staff and their state. They don't understand that they have to live like one family under the Laws of God, which are the Laws of Life, to live in happiness and in the harmony of Being.
When Father Oleg had strengthened so much so that he could oppose to those forces that made him leave Ukraine, he returned to mother Ukraine by the will of God, enriched with spiritual, life and missionary experience and with the great desire to help the native people to live in love, like one family. Father Oleg was preaching in schools, kinder-gardens, different organizations, teaching people the understanding of the law of God in simple terms and with practical application to life, for people feel the presence of love of God in their hearts. Having started again from nothing in Transcarpathian region, city of Uzhhorod, the community of Father Oleg grew to over the 100 parishioners from the former atheists, who had converted to God. They, who had been earlier divided into Catholics and Orthodox, were united into one soborna family of Christ. The church, by his convictions, like the organization of God, has to be the institution of truth and love to bring people to happy life with God. In the church, there flatly must be no mischief-making and the priests have not to be afraid of theirs bishops but love and trust them, like the true spiritual fathers. Father Oleg believed that his ministration in Ukraine wasn't anyhow in vain, that he wasn't born on this land that is called Ukraine, in vain and that wasn't in vain the love for his people in his heart, that made him leave the trouble-free life in the USA and come to spiritually ruined Ukraine.
By the will of God, in October 1, in the year of Our God Two-Thousand and Two, the Holy Bishops' Council of the canonical bishops of UAOC-Sobornopravna, inspired by the Holy Spirit and having studied the devoted ministration of Father Oleg (Koulik) to God, came to agreement that he is worthy to be elevated to the dignity of Hierarch and the rank of Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Rus-Ukraine.
In October 22, in the year of Our God Two-Thousand and Two, the consecration and elevation to the rank of Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Rus-Ukraine of Vladyka (Bishop) Moses (Oleg Koulik) took place in the Boris and Gleb Cathedral of city Cleveland (state Ohio, the USA). The chief consecrating bishop was
Metropolitan Stephan (Babiy-Petrovych)
(administrator of UAOC-Sobornopravna in the USA)
in concelebration with Archbishop Michael (Yavchak-Champion).
In October of the same year, Vladyka Moses arrived to Ukraine to begin the revival of True Church of Christ.
Vladyka chose exactly the name of Moses, when he was ordained into the dignity of Hierarch and elevated to the rank of Metropolitan, not by chance. As some time ago, the biblical Moses brought his people out from the slavery, nowadays Vladyka has taken a great responsibility and holy mission to bring out the people of Ukraine on the way of truth, genuine freedom, light and joy - on the way that leads to God and to the true, not illusive happiness, as one can be truly happy only being with God. And people can be led only by the Church of God that has the leader from God.
God has called Vladyka Moses to the archpastoral ministration to Ukraine for reviving the pure canonical lineage of episcopal ordinations from St. Apostle Peter and for reviving the canonical lineage of Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, that still in 1924 received a Tomos of recognition of Autocephalous church (on the territory of Volyn, Kholmshchyna, Pidlyashchya and Polissya of Poland of that time), that was issued by Gregorios VII the Ecumenical Patriarch and territorially-canonically established on the ancient Kievan metropolitanate as the ascertainment of historical justice.
This Church has passed through the long years of persecution from God-fighting rule but has preserved its purity, as it isn't stained with the cooperation with NKVD (People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs) and it isn't desecrated with anathemas but it is called to serve Ukraine with its spiritual purity. For such a Church, God has prepared the special Patriarch, who has gone through the great life trials and has preserved the firmness of faith and spirit, who has devoted all of himself to service to God and people. The Patriarch from God for the Church of God - that was the Will of Heaven. And for that purpose, the hierarchs, who were summoned by God from all over the world, arrived to Ukraine to lay hands on the chosen for high and responsible service to God.
On the 17th -18th of June, 2005, by the decision of Holy Synod and by the decision of the Ecumenical Episcopal Council of UAOC canonical, Metropolitan Moses was chosen and enthroned to Patriarch of Kyiv and All Rus-Ukraine. The enthronement took place in the orthodox sanctuary of Ukrainian people, in the main Cathedral of Ukraine - in the Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv.
Currently, Church accounts for over ten hierarchs, whose archdioceses include over 40 countries of the world; they develop the missionary Christ's communities, orphanages, temples and seminaries.
Truly is the saying "no man is prophet in his own country". That is why the people of Ukraine hasn't thoroughly realized, what gift it received from God in the person of Vladyka Moses. As well as don't realize that the clergymen of other confessions, they don't understand him hence they are simply afraid of him and being afraid, they put up resistance in every possible way, slander and lure away his priests. They are afraid of him, who gives love and teaches to love; who brings the true knowledge of God; who takes the glaze off the people's eyes; who opens their eyes and helps to clear souls and become happy. They are afraid of him, who is a torch of Love and Verity of God, which burns for the others, bringing them the light of truth and comprehension of Divine origin of every human being. As, like it is said in Scripture: "God created man in his own image". The nature of human - is Divine nature, and until people don't understand that - they will live in darkness, fear, ignorance, sins and illnesses.
The chosen God's Hierarchs from all over the world seek after this light, they have already realized for a long time before, that Vladyka Moses is the true gift of God, is the person of high spiritual level and is the God's conductor in the today's chaos. He is the pilot, who will navigate the God's ship towards the Sun of Truth, passing all the hidden rocks and bring out on the clean water and vast expanses of the river of eternal life.
Vladyka speaks the live word of God. He is the blessed messenger of God. There is the great presence of angels with him and the God's people, who hear his word, feel the Grace of God upon themselves. Vladyka is the conductor of God's Love, which he shares generously. On his enlightening lectures and services, people feel the presence of angels; feel the Love of God and the Grace of God that descends upon them. And thus, they are changing and clearing, they are being enlightened and blessed - thereby all their lives are being blessed.
And there is no need to wait for the time, when Vladyka Moses leaves this world, to understand and comprehend who he is and what he can give to Country today. We should take from him all that it is God's and give him an opportunity to bring the word of God to us and thank to the Highest for this incomparable and majestic, truly gift of God for us - people, who live on the Earth and suffer from not knowing the truth of God.
In the person of the Holiest Vladyka Moses, God Himself gives the chance to Ukraine and the whole World to revive the Church, arisen from the true source, founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ the Saviour Himself.
And to the people of Ukraine, God gives the chance to serve Him and fulfil the majestic mission of reviving the spirituality in the whole world, the mission of return the human to the righteous life, life under the Law of Divine Justice. It is the chance for the humankind to clear themselves and to revive their Divine origin in order to approach the coming of Kingdom of God on our planet that is so beautiful but so desecrated with the sins of the humankind. So, let's take this chance, don't lose it, and follow our leader from God - the Holiest Vladyka Moses.
Let God strengthen His chosen Patriarch Moses for the development of the Divine Holy Church in Ukraine, for people perceive God and begin to live happily in Him.
Many blessed years to Patriarch Moses!!! Ispola eti Despota!!!